Der var aldrig rigtig tvivl om at Vinnie skulle være trommeslager, selvom han kort spillede elektrisk guitar – ja sågar orgel. Men da hans undervisning i trommer startede, husker Vinnie følgende: “I couldn’t get enough of it. I was real interested in music notation and rudiments and technique whereas a lot of guys didn’t dig that stuff. I learned real fast because I was always practicing. I would go into English class and sit in the back of the room with a Remo practice pad and practice double-stroke rolls and get kicked out of class.”
Da han endelig fik sit første trommesæt som 14 årig, var han meget taknemmelig. “I was overjoyed when my parents bought me the set, because up to that point, I had only been studying on the snare drum. When I sat down at the set, though for some reason I didn’t have any problem. I just sat down and played, probably because of all those toy sets. Coordination didn’t pose much of a problem until I started getting into the stage band and had to read drum parts with the foot and everything. When I first saw that, it was a trip reading drumset stuff – the hand, the hi-hat, the bass drum, independence and all of that – but I just went and practiced.”
Efter highschool spillede Vinnie i et år før han kom ind på Berklee, en beslutning inspireret af mange af hans klassekammerater og en mulighed for at møde den Berklee studerende Steve Smith som kom igennem byen med et turnerende big band. Fra 1978 begyndte han at spille med Frank Zappa, og senere Joni Mitchell.
Vinnie slog sig ned i Los Angeles i 1983, og arbejde i 7 år som meget travl studiemusiker. I 1990 kom han tilbage på landevejen, denne gang med Sting. Vinnie udgav i 1994 CD i eget navn på selskabet Stretch Records.
Vinnie Colaiuta blev født den 5. Februar, 1956 i Pennsylvania.
Vinnie Colaiuta spiller på Gretsch trommer og Paiste bækkener.
Ten Summoner’s Tales (Sting)
Sketchbook (John Pattitucci)
Night Walker (Gino Vanelli)
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